Special Capacitors and Filters

Products designed for special applications in electrical, electronic, power electronic and automotive industries, testing and measuring equipment; they are usually produced to customer’s specific requirements. In the manufacturing process various dielectric materials are used: capacitor paper, metallized polyester or polypropylene film. These products feature various electrical parameters (capacitance, voltage) and mechanical versions (in rectangular or cylindrical cases, wrapped with plastic tape). At request we can design new, customized products.


Zakłady Podzespołów Radiowych MIFLEX SA

ul. Grunwaldzka 3,

99-300 Kutno, Polska

+48 24 355 11 00

Email: miflexsa@miflex.com.pl

NIP: 775-00-00-870

KRS: 0000183753

Fax: (+48) 24 355 11 88